E2E Test E2E - End to End Tests help verify high value paths in an application. In other words, they help verify user stories as they often represent in the application. The main purpose of E2E testing is to test from the end user’s experience by simulating the real user scenario and validating the system under test. Basically these tests check the complete end-to-end process flow - The one happy scenario Below are the E2E test cases we can write for the Graph feature Scenario 1 : User can add a Graph Scenario 2 : User can rename the Graph Scenario 3: User can add data to the Graph Scenario 4: User can remove the data from the Graph Scenario 5: User can manage the time zone Scenario 6: User can delete the Graph As an example, let’s say we need to write E2E test for Rename Graph scenario. Below is the flow we should cover. Log in as an Admin → Navigate to the Data Studio → Click on a Dashboard → Click on the graph ellipsis menu → Click on “Rename Graph” → Ent...